
Search results

  1. Ohio State Receives $24M USAID Grant to Boost Agriculture, Food Security in Tanzania

    Agricultural Research and Capacity Building Project” involves a consortium of four other U.S. land-grant ...

  2. Navigating the CFAES Research Enterprise

    Join us to learn the different responsibilities of the Primary Investigator, Grant Development Support Unit, and the Office of Sponsored Programs when working on sponsored project proposals and throughout the life of a project. Presenters: Lori Kaser, Gra ...

  3. NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award- Outreach/Education/Diversity Workshop

    exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration ... of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Such activities ... should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research. NSF ...

  4. A New Voice for Ohio Dairy Producers

    They also initiated and administered the Ohio Dairy Research Fund. Another group, the Progressive Dairy ... Research Fund will also be administered by ODP, allowing producers to voluntarily contribute to Extension ... and research projects that will provide benefits to producers. The ODP leadership has already ...

  5. Managing Dairy Cow Heat Stress

    experienced by a dairy cow depends upon the air temperature and the humidity. Research has shown that high ... a temperature of 80 o F with no humidity both produce a THI of 68.  Research indicates that dairy cows can ...

  6. The Dairy NRC 2001 Lives On

    still use the 2001 National Research Council (NRC) computer model to evaluate diets for dairy cattle; ...

  7. Harvesting and Storing Corn Silage

    for corn is 4 to 6 inches and most of the research on high cut corn had stubble heights of 15 to 18 ... inches. Based on research studies: High cut reduces dry matter yield 4 to 6% (this means production costs ... cutting height will unquestionably reduce yields, but based on research, it is unlikely to result in ...

  8. Water Resources, Supplies, and Infrastructure Links

    prevention/control, research and performance, science and technology, water infrastructure, what you can do; find your ... quality and watershed programs and funding) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (info/research ... research and management of Ohio’s lakes, private and public; education/technical assistance, collection/ ...

  9. Human Resource Managers' Forum Will Feature Job Description and At-Will Employment Guidance

    and research focusing on employee management and family business relations. In the afternoon, Ms. ...

  10. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference: Another Successful Year

    participating (3 each from Ohio State, Purdue, and Michigan State universities). The graduate student research ...
