
Search results

  1. 2012 Archived News

    Postdoctoral researchers, First place: Sourav Chakraborty, "Evaluation of the Fluorometric Probes ... Research Services Building, OARDC).  This is the first in a series of quasrterly scientific presentations ...

  2. Diagnosis of Vegetable Diseases and Improved Disease Management

    the state.  Lab pathologists researched management practices and communicated recommendations back to ...

  3. Academic Mission

    training to enable students to become independent researchers capable of developing original and innovative ...

  4. Undergraduate Research Forum and Gamma Sigma Delta Awards Ceremony


  5. Qu publications

    Virus Research 163: 672-677. Zhang, X., Sato, S., Ye, X., Dorrance, A.E., Morris, T.J., Clemente, T. E. ... fungi and bacteria using benzyl chloride. Nucleic Acids Research 21, 5279 5280. Detlev Riesner, Tilman ... 576. Feng Qu and Tien Po (1993) Recent advances in viroid research (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of ...

  6. 2012

    Nucleic Acid Research. 40 (21): 10780-10794 Stewart, LR, Bouchard, R, Redinbaugh MG and Meulia T.  ... mosaic virus"  Virus Research  (2012)  165: 219- 224. Tatineni, Satanarayana; Qu, Feng; Li, Ruhui; ... silencing and an enhancer of disease symptoms. Virus Research  163(2): 672-677. Xiuchun Zhang, Xiaofeng ...

  7. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum


  8. Manual for Software Pipeline

    in our research) we have found that isotopes are not always abundant enough to be recognized by ...

  9. CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    Location: Agriculture Admin. Auditorium ...

  10. Paul Lab

    through disease prediction and risk assessment. Basic research has to be an ongoing process if we are to ...
