
Search results

  1. Pollinator Habitat and Ecological Restoration

    The Pollinator Hillside  began as a research site to display an alternative to having turf, but ...

  2. CFAH faculty and staff participate in CFAES FastTrack Leadership Program

    teaching, research, and/or outreach priorities of the college. Participants must be nominated by ...

  3. Trees on Our Campus

    teaching and research. Our Arboretum North boasts many tree collections: Colour Columbus 1,000 Native Tree ...

  4. Jones Memorial Grove

    sits just north of the 3.5-acre research lake that is nestled in the middle of the Chadwick Arboretum ...

  5. Congratulations to Kush!

    Graduate Research and Scholarship (AGGRS) award for his proposal on Placental Lactogen in HEV disease. ... AGGRS provides up to $5,000 to support research and scholarship of PhD and MS students for their ... dissertation/thesis, please see the link:  ( ...

  6. ANIMSCI 8886- Food Animal Health Seminar

    critique scientific research relating to aspects of food animal health including, but not limited to, ...

  7. Green Roof on Howlett Hall

    basic design concepts 2007–2008:  Research for a green roof at Howlett Hall is compiled. Green roof data ... the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. 2004–2007:  Ohio Agriculture Research and Development Center ...

  8. Kush Yadav selected as a co-vice chair and graduate student representative on IDI-TA Steering Committee

    disease research. Like t he Infectious Diseases Institute, the IDI-TA is intentionally interdisciplinary ...

  9. Protecting Plants, People, and the World: Celebrating Ohio State’s Commitment to Plant Health

    to Calendar From early classroom teaching to research discoveries and technological advances of ...

  10. Andy Geiger Buckeye Collection

    (assistant director of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) from 2005-2012), Andy ...
