
Search results

  1. Precision Ag Day: Planters

    Mycogen Seeds- Davis Farm Services. Click here for more information. CFAES provides research and related ...

  2. Online Tickets for Farm Science Review Available

    and faculty from OSU Extension and Purdue Extension, as well as the Ohio Agricultural Research and ... Development Center (OARDC). OSU Extension is the outreach arm of the college, and OARDC is the research arm. ...

  3. Live Healthy Live Well Fall Wellness Challenge

    participating in a research study to determine the effectiveness of social media as a means of disseminating ...

  4. Dairy Feed Bunk Management

    delivery of fresh feed is a major stimulus to cow feeding and research demonstrates that the 60 minutes ... following fresh fed delivery produces a peak feeding pattern. Research has also shown that there is benefit ... research, adding an additional fresh fed delivery could help to improve DMI intake or, more likely, result ...

  5. Master Gardner Volunteer Information Session

    horticultural topics and will complete a 50 hour internship by participating in research-based gardening ...

  6. Hops Pre-Harvest Field Night Set for July 27

    Research Building Auditorium, 1864 Shyville Road in Piketon. Brad Bergefurd, a horticulturist with OSU ... Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. OSU Extension and OARDC are the ... outreach and research arms, respectively, of Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ...

  7. Nutrient Stewardship for Cleaner Water (NSCW)

    Report is Available!   More than 209 on-farm research sites, nearly 17,500 farmer participating in ... of nutrients while increasing plant productivity thru small plot, on farm research and education. ... On-Farm Research New Technology- Vist our YouTube page! Nutrient Stewardship for Cleaner Water's Five ...

  8. A Message from our County Director: The Future of OSU Extension, Franklin County

    renovation in the coming years and will become a cutting-edge research, learning, and outreach hub, ...

  9. Soil Health and Bioenergy

    Ohio State University Extension is focused on disseminating research information regarding soil ... health and bioenergy. Visit team websites listed below for new research, reliable information, and new ...

  10. Awards to Animal Sciences Personnel During the Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association

    by OSU personnel included: 1) Dr. Normand St-Pierre was awarded the Merial Dairy Management Research ... his research under the direction of Dr. Chris Reynolds) was awarded the first place recognition by the ... Laurie Winkelman (conducted her research under the direction of Dr. Chris Reynolds) was awarded the first ...
