
Search results

  1. How to Make Good Talks Great

    experience in astrophysics research and teaching, including Improving technical seminars, job talks, and ...

  2. Increasing the Visibility of Your Research (Online Workshop)

    This online workshop will present strategies and outlets for making your research more visible, ...

  3. Agriculture and Water Quality Issues- OSU Research and Agency Initiatives Guide Farmers Solutions

    concentrate. OSU researchers and agency staff, with partners, are very focused on improving tools and guidance ... Research Scientist Kirk Hines, PE, Chief, Division of Soil and Water Conservation, ODA Attend this EPN ...

  4. Zotero Workshop (Wooster)

    research. During this workshop Gwen Short and Laura Miller will guide you through installing and making sure ...

  5. Introduction to Data Visualization (Presentation)

    a broad group of users including researchers, businesses, and anyone looking to effectively communicate ... a large amount of information to a specific audience. If you have a research question that utilizes data, ...

  6. Wooster Professional Photo Session- Spring 2020

    take professional photos in Wooster on February 13. Sessions will take place in 231 Research ...

  7. Toward sustainable and resilient water resources—EPA takes a systems approach to mitigate nutrient impairment in New England’s Narragansett Bay watershed

    years of research and consulting experience for multi-national companies, government agencies and ... into the agency’s research and development work.  A native of Montreal, Fiksel began his career at ...

  8. Devin Peterson named Distinguished Professor

    bestowed on a competitive basis to four full professors who have excelled in teaching, research, or ...

  9. Old Publications Page

    Compounds from Data-Driven Research: A Flavoromics Approach.  J. Agric. Food Chem. Zhang, L. and Peterson, ... Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, Andrew Taylor and Donald Mottram (Eds), pg 31-37. Ronningen, I. and ... distribution.  Food Research International 34(4): 357-363. Peterson, D.G. and Fulcher, R.G. 2001.  A simple ...

  10. Virulence of Pythium aphanidermatum and P. oopapillum in hydroponic lettuce

    Daniela Gutierrez Yanez Research Scientist Sally Miller Department of Plant Pathology Pythium ...
