
Search results

  1. OSUE Annual Conference- December 9-11

    Extension work and university research. Build relationships between Extension professionals and university ... colleagues to foster expanded applied research opportunities. Foster dialogue and innovative thinking among ... and Extension scholarship Poster exhibits featuring innovative programming and cutting‒edge research ...

  2. OSU Extension Offers Beef Cattle School Jan. 27, Feb. 10 and 24

    profitable.” The program will be taught by OSU Extension and Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center ... researchers and educators. OSU Extension and OARDC are the outreach and research arms, respectively, of the ...

  3. Media Advisory: Zika Virus: Ohio State Expert Available to Speak about Mosquitoes that Carry Disease

    efficient,” said Piermarini, an expert on disease-transmitting mosquitoes  whose research  seeks alternative ...

  4. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    Extension. See Descriptors for Trend Research for more background and a list of 17 trends or issues ... identified. These descriptors will be studied and research summaries written to further articulate the issues ...

  5. FST Fall Semester Seminar

    The presentation will provide an overview about the research conducted at IFSH on various "New ...

  6. Team Science and the Role of Research Development Professionals

    Federal agencies are increasingly allocating funding to address societal Grand Challenges. Universities understand that mounting successful efforts in response require team science approaches.  RA/RD professionals play an essential role in supporting thes ...

  7. More Than 10,000 Ohio Farmers Have Received Water Quality Training

    fertilizer to more than 50 acres to become certified by Sept. 30, 2017. FACT was developed by researchers and ... research-based tactics to keep nutrients in the field and available to crops while increasing stewardship of ...

  8. FST Seminar Spring Seminar Series

    Kamran Shavezupir, research scientist at FABE, to present "Collaborating with food science ...

  9. Conference to Help Ohio's Cities Manage Urban Wildlife

    Gehrt, a CFAES wildlife scientist who’s done groundbreaking research on Chicago’s urban coyotes. He’s ...

  10. Limited Submission Opportunites

    applications that can be submitted by Ohio State investigators. The Ohio State University Office of Research ...
