
Search results

  1. Beyond the Law of Supply and Demand for Forages

    forages available. Current research in the Department of Animal Sciences at OSU has shed some light on the ...

  2. Research

    popular databases for ATI students. Citation Help: Need to cite your research in your paper or a works ...

  3. North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge

    careers in the dairy industry as farmers, researchers, educators, financial analysts, nutritionists, farm ...

  4. Twin Row Corn Silage Research Plot Results

    twin-row corn production research plots at the Darke County Research Farm for the last 3 years. Last year, ...

  5. Feeding Glycerol to Dairy Cattle

    studies, as well as some other published research, we can conclude that glycerol has value as a feed ... for animal feed. So, additional research is going to be needed to determine the variation in ...

  6. Central Campus

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center  offers internship and employment opportunities for ... largest agricultural research institutes and maintains dozens of working laboratories and research plots ...

  7. Dairy Commodity and Milk Price Outlook

    dairy industry, as well as informative charts, research papers on many industry issues, and for useful ... Research & Development Center, and The Ohio State University Extension, I will be entering retirement ...

  8. Fisher Auditorium

    classroom, and OARDC research library. The Auditorium has 976 seats (+12 wheelchair accessible spaces), each ...

  9. Visit Wooster

    and OARDC, with its world-renowned research programs. The Wooster campus was established in 1892 as ...

  10. Effects of Overstocking on Cow Behavior, Welfare, and Productivity

    recent research by DeVries et al. (2004) found that when cows had access to more feeding space (1.0 m vs. ... Research has indicated that cows will sort a TMR, and hence feed quality declines throughout the day. Thus, ... health, production, and welfare should be carefully considered. *A complete list of research references is ...
