
Search results

  1. Zoonoses and Food Safety

    Campylobacter  and noroviruses and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) mitigation. Research is focused on defining ...

  2. Resilient through Fire

    University. Her research addresses the sustainability of human-natural systems at local and regional scales, with ... Co-PI on multiple research projects totally over $16 million in funding, including funding from the ... Studies, East Asian Studies Center. His research interests include the use of fire to manage oak forest ...

  3. Julie Peterson, MS

    Minnesota in 2010, she worked as Project Manager of Consumer Research for Food Perspectives, Inc. until ...

  4. EPN Student Spotlight

    after graduation to pursue internship and research opportunities, after which she will continue her ...

  5. Congratulations to Gary Closs Jr!

    MANRRS graduate students oral presentation in research division 1: Biological, physical, and chemical ...

  6. Food Animal Health Research Seminar


  7. Breakout Session descriptions

    research-based information on the growing threats of climate change and pollution and how individuals, ... present in your local community. According to Pew Research from 2020, there are few disparities between ... research, as it relates to health, has always been on physical health with little to no emphasis on mental ...

  8. Growing the Future of Agriculture: Conversations with Black Farmers and Educators

    programs and activities through Ohio State Extension and the agricultural research and educational ... State Extension and the agricultural research and educational communities at Ohio State to improve opportunities for Black farmers in Ohio.   ...

  9. Creative Leadership in 4-H—Flatwater Kayaking

    kayaking instruction. Why do youth enjoy kayaking? Research from Tanner and Strickler (2014) found that ...

  10. Animal Disease

    extensive research are highly warranted to improve the global food production and human health. ...
