
Search results

  1. Farmer/Rancher Grant Call for Proposals

    Projects should emphasize research or education/demonstration.   There are three types of competitive ...

  2. Manure Science Review Set for July 25

    FOREST, Ohio — There are safe, research-tested, beneficial ways to use manure on farm fields ...

  3. New Manure Sidedress Method Lowers Fertilizer Costs, Increases Yields

    Arnold has conducted research on methods of doing that. Initially, he used a tanker filled with liquid ... the research on the Darke County fields does not show that, Custer said. When corn is about 3 inches ...

  4. Alum receives national educator award

    and responsible, and uses individual and group research projects to help teach students to manage ... guide their projects. In addition to group projects, students present their own individual research ...

  5. Get Your Ohio Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    research-based training to keep nutrients in the field and available to crops while reducing nutrients leaving ...

  6. Getting Grants: Finding Funding and Planning for Data Management

    researchers in Art, Art Education, Art History, Cinema Studies, Design, and Material and Visual Culture, but ... is open to researchers in all disciplines interested in learning more about formatting and publishing ...

  7. Columbus City Tour

    10:40- Drive-through of Waterman Farm- discuss idea of urban ag research and urban Extension education ...

  8. Export Controls for Departmental Research Administrators

    In this 1.5 hour session geared toward staff, learn about explain export control regulations and discuss how the university’s missions are impacted. Travel, non-citizen personnel involvement, shipping, and sharing of data are among the most common activit ...

  9. Bush completes internship with Cargill

    Regulatory (FSQR) team, assessing marketing and displays for a packaging research project, and working with ...

  10. Insect Night

    Agricultural Research and Development Center. The arboretum is part of OARDC, 1680 Madison Ave. in Wooster, ...
