
Search results

  1. A Field Guide to Identifying Critical Resource Concerns and Best Management Practices for Implementation (PDF)

    ( houses more detailed information and is frequently updated as new research is summarized. https ...

  2. Gabor Kaszas, Ph.D.

    University in the research groups of Professors Katrina Cornish and Judit E. Puskas. ...

  3. Rockets Away! Student Logbook

    Educational research shows that the practice of recording one's own data and observations helps students ...

  4. Rockets Away! Student Logbook (Set of 25)

    of Motion. Educational research shows that the practice of recording one's own data and ...

  5. Educator IV Application and Promotion to Tenure-Track Faculty Educator in the Department of Extension, Without a National Search

    teaching, service, and research/scholarly/creative work for Educator IV. The candidate must provide evidence ...

  6. Student Awards

    Entomology Graduate Students are recognized for outstanding Research, Teaching, ... R. (“Skip”) Nault Research Award This award is given for the best graduate student paper published or ... the paper must be based on research completed at Ohio State.  Eligible applicants must either be ...

  7. More 2024 News

    University to lead $10M effort to bridge gap between research and farmers- WYSO (Douglas Jackson-Smith) ... Eleven research projects funded through the President’s Research Excellence Program Accelerator Grants- ... Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge (Roger Williams) June Rural childcare an important topic at ...

  8. Ohio Agronomy Guide (PDF)

    the official compilation of adaptive results and recommendations from research and educational ...

  9. Ohio Agronomy Guide, 15th Edition

    the official compilation of adaptive results and recommendations from research and educational ...

  10. New research reveals economic and social impacts of caregivers in North central and Northeast US

    Groundbreaking research conducted by a multi-state team, including Shoshanah Inwood, associate ... the U.S. The preliminary findings, released as two regionally focused “Research Snapshots,” offer ... course, including children, adults, and elderly,” said Inwood, who researches community, food, and ...
