
Search results

  1. Ohio State ATI adds new certificate program

    works with industry in research and development. Now it will serve as a teaching asset as well."   ...

  2. Other Ways to Give

    plant collection for education, research, and enjoyment. Become a Friend/Member with donations over ...

  3. Feed Mill Operations Certificate

    Facilities The CFAES Wooster Campus has a state-of-the-art  Feedstock Processing Research Facility, or   Feed ... support internationally recognized CFAES livestock and poultry research programs.  Careers Employment opportunities exist ...

  4. Research opportunities with Department of Defense

    learn more about funding initiatives and opportunities related to defense and space research.  CFAES ... since it is less prone to budget reductions in the current federal budget environment.  Space research ... Administration's space priorities. This is tentatively scheduled for  11 a.m. in 1080 Physics Research Building;  ...

  5. Why get a graduate degree?

    a wealth of opportunities for your career. For those who are interested in research, a graduate degree can ... give you the experience it takes to become an established researcher in your area. If you are ...

  6. Cultural Connections: Ecuador   CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory ...

  7. Ohio State ATI Faculty serve as mentors for interns

    the 2023 OSU Research Internship Program (ORIP) this summer. Fourteen interns participated in the ... program, mentored by researchers from six different departments and centers. In addition to ATI, ... research opportunities for local students and to enhance their interest in science, technology, ...

  8. Grievance procedures

    Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education, Dean), and finally the Graduate School ...

  9. Cultural Connections: Spain

    Carla Román  is a visiting scholar from Spain conducting her research advised by Dr. Erdal Ozkan ... collaborating closely with Dr. Hongyoung Jeon and Dr. Heping Zhu of the USDA’s Application Technology Research ... reduction. Currently, the main focus of her research is the variable rate application of pesticides through ...

  10. CFAES- Apple U-Pick- September 15th

    CFAES- Wooster faculty, staff and students are invited to a U-pick at the research apple orchard ... not permitted (except service animals). This is a research farm so pickers will be required to use ...
