
Search results

  1. Russell Klein Memorial Nutrition Symposium

    the sixteenth annual Russell Klein Nutrition Research Symposium on Thursday, April 18th, 2019 from ...

  2. Clinical Nutrition and Chronic Diseases

    Associate Dean of Clinical Research; Director, The Center for Clinical and Translational Science; Professor, ... neonatal gastrointestinal health in swine and swine models for human health. Thomas Mace, Ph.D., Research ...

  3. Steve Culman receives New Innovator in Food and Agriculture Research Award

    Agriculture Research Award from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research. Innovator awards are ... recipients the freedom to pursue innovative and transformational research ideas that might not be possible ... with a traditional research grant. Steve's work will focus on using active organic matter testing ...

  4. Ohio No-till Field Day

    so far from our studies in no-till. Established in 1962, the Triplett Van Doren no-till research ... plots are the longest running research plots of their nature. Glover Triplett will be on hand to share ...

  5. Soil Balancing Call-in Conversations

    soil balancing. Researchers will be on hand to provide input and answer questions but the main focus ... and practice of Soil Balancing currently means to farmers, researchers, and consultants, and to ... consultants, and researchers discuss the numbers we have and the numbers we wish we had.   Soil Balancing: The ...

  6. Financial Aid

    Students admitted to the OSUN program will be awarded a first-year graduate research associateship ... dissertation research.  Although the program can help facilitate meetings with potential advisors, the student ...

  7. Now hiring!

    research and soil health to assist with a project investigating the long-term effects of different tillage ...

  8. Best Boss Ever

    self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”- Theodore Roosevelt Research indicates ...

  9. Nutrition and Cancer

    how obesity increases the risk of developing pancreatic diseases. Thomas Mace, Ph.D., Research ...

  10. People

    qualitative research in the nutritional sciences, and provide students with the oral and written communication ... Columbus campus; the OARDC Research Center in Wooster, Ohio; more than 15 departments; 40 faculty members; ... Associate Professor in the Department of Human Sciences and Molecular Genetics.  Research in the Bird lab ...
