
Search results

  1. Cloudy waters causes African fish to develop bigger eyes

    African fish, suggests a new study.  The research, led by  Jai Tiarks,  a recent graduate alum  in ... researchers raised half of a brood of fish in tanks with clear water and placed the other half in tanks with ... cloudy water.  Researchers then measured the diameter of the eye and pupil of both the young fish and ...

  2. Forecast for Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie 2024

    expert commentary and highlights of recent research efforts and successes. ...

  3. Graduate Exit Seminar- Monika Moreu-Vicente

    models highlighting the alignment between expert assessments and modeled predictions. Future research ...

  4. Rural childcare an important topic at Farm Science Review

    Inwood gathers her research data at The Ohio State University. She quickly found that childcare, or the ... to conduct public research to inform public policy and meet the needs of America’s farmers and ... CONTACT:  Shoshana Inwood 330-263-3790 Faculty Research Faculty Outreach ...

  5. Bats: What You Didn't Learn Watching Batman

    how to provide habitat in forests and backyard spaces, and how researchers study bats! The evening ...

  6. Shumar elected president of Association of Field Ornithologists (AFO)

    “advance the connectivity and engagement of researchers across the Americas and support conservation of ... researchers at all stages of their careers. Each year, AFO awards 10-15 grants to researchers across the ...

  7. Julie Fox, Ph.D.

    Environmental Sciences (CFAES), Fox balances her leadership role with her commitments to teaching, research, and ... the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL). Research: Her research ...

  8. Graduate Exit Seminar- Josephine Duffy

    soil carbon and compaction were minimal. Future research should examine what site-specific factors may ...

  9. Crop, Soil, and Water Field Night

    presented in this program will be made possible through research from ODA Specialty Crop Block Grant ...

  10. Suraksha Baral

    research interests lie in agricultural finance, with a focus on land values and futures markets. She is ... currently a Graduate Research Associate, working with Dr. Ani Katchova. Previously, Suraksha served as ... a Research Assistant at the University of Georgia, studying consumer preferences and willingness to pay for ...
