
Search results

  1. From Forest to Furniture Tour

    businesses booming Matt Bumgardner, a Delaware, Ohio-based U.S. Forest Service researcher and a speaker on ...

  2. Seeking the Stink Bug's Natural Enemies

    leading the research into the species of stink bugs that prey on soybeans: the green, the brown, the red ... the Ohio Soybean Council and the North Central Soybean Research Program to determine what species of ...

  3. Joe Scheerens

    of edible or medicinal horticultural crops or their processed products. 85% Research 0% Extension 15% ...

  4. Agricultural Fertilizer Certification Trainings Offered before Sept. 30 Deadline

    Department of Agriculture. The training provides research-based tactics to keep nutrients in the field and ...

  5. Tour the Solar House

    State students and/or take a walk around the 3-acre research lake in Chadwick Arboretum North. The ...

  6. OSU Conflict of Interest

    From Exectutive Vice President and Provost Bruce McPheron, Senior Vice President for Research ...

  7. Multicolored Asian lady beetle

    introduced in California by USDA agricultural research scientists as a biological control agent. This ...

  8. Profile- Miller

    a successful USDA NIFA Specialty Crops Research Initiative proposal, which required 100% match. The GDSU ... proposal submission. This gave us, the researchers, time to focus on the technical part of the proposal. ...

  9. Get Answers

    youth. The Ohio State University's Bee Lab provides research and outreach related to honey bees, ... opportunities for beekeepers and the latest research and information relating to bees. The C. Wayne Ellet Plant ...

  10. Strawberry Field Night

    College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Since 1999, Bergefurd has researched strawberry ...
