
Search results

  1. Aquaculture and Horticulture Programs Conduct First Ohio Aquaponics Research

    unbiased Ohio research-based data to share with the interested clients has been limited. To address this, ... a research/demonstration-scale aquaponics system at the OSU South Centers. The system, in operation since October 2013, was used ... research-based information to the public. Continued investment into the industry is warranted. Future Plans Two ...

  2. The Ohio Cooperative Development Center Recap

    cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia, OCDC has been working with WVU College of Law to help research ... cooperative statues throughout the United States. The results of this research will be shared with policy ...

  3. Hands-on Agronomy Education Nurtures Senegalese Farming Future

    research on site. An immediate problem the farmers face is the amount of time it takes to plant up to five ...

  4. Training Professionals on Sustainable Advanced Energy Feedstock Production for Enhanced Ecosystems Services from the Ground Up

    USDA-Agricultural Research Service Washington D.C., Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference, Ohio No-Till ...

  5. Community Development

    included within an urban area. The Economic Research Service provides additional information on rural ...

  6. OARDC's Distinguished Senior Faculty Research Award recipient Dr. Steven Schwartz


  7. Urban Agriculture

    local Extension research-based programming, as well as the literature, urban agriculture resources, ...
