
Search results

  1. Giving mosquitoes 'kidney' failure could help fight spread of malaria

    of people annually. Piermarini's research  is funded by a $1.4 million grant  from the ...

  2. Keys to reducing H3N2v flu risk? Public awareness, keeping sick pigs away from fairs

    Health Research Program  and a leading animal virologist. "Most swine influenza viruses stay in pigs, and ...

  3. ACEL to Sponsor EXTENSION Africa Conference

    presentations on research topics on food security, extension, and related issues. Conference Sponsors include ...

  4. Precision Agriculture Webinar offered Jan. 20

    in corn production, and “What is the Latest Research on Ear Molds and Mycotoxins?” presented by ...

  5. Gone (or soon to be going) fishing: Charter captains prep for new season, new teaching

    Boat Association, the Sandusky Fisheries Research Unit and Lake Erie Law Enforcement Unit of the Ohio ...

  6. Report Shows How to Say Goodbye to Harmful Algal Blooms

    quality,” he said. The researchers chose the Maumee watershed because it has the most impact on the Western ...

  7. Grow your own lettuce in space? Students, researchers build system for NASA

    food availability will be a significant challenge. Joining this mission is a team of CFAES researchers ...

  8. Farm Science Review: 'Forecasting the future for 50 years'

    premiere agricultural event is still dedicated to ensuring the best agricultural research, resources, ...

  9. Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders, One 4-H Member at a Time

    programs are research-based. “We have excellent curriculum materials that have been created and reviewed by ...

  10. Why 'climate change doesn't seem so remote' now

    the webinars to provide current research updates," said Barb Liukkonen, former Extension ...
