
Search results

  1. Farm Bill Summit

     Director, Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute and Professor, Department of Agricultural and ...

  2. Researchers exploring potential of the dandelion

    Most people view dandelions either as golden symbols of springtime or as tenacious invaders to a pristine lawn. But could they also save us from a potential national crisis? The answer is Yes!, and you can find out how by clicking here. ...

  3. Ohio Livestock Mortality Composting Certification

    research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, ...

  4. Southwest Ohio Corn Growers and Fayette County Agronomy Club Field Day

    Fertilizer Guide and nitrogen decisions, gibberella diagnostic demonstration and research project, eFields, ... University Gibberella Diagnostic Demonstration and Research Project –Pierce Paul, The Ohio State University ... Using On-Farm Research to Make Production Decisions, eFields–Elizabeth Hawkins, The Ohio State ...

  5. Your Woods: Management and Liabilities

    Lower Level Conference Room of the building. CFAES provides research and related educational programs to ...

  6. New and Small Farm Conference and Trade Show- Northern Ohio

    here for a detailed description of presentations CFAES provides research and related educational ...

  7. Precision Ag Day: Data Management

    farm research and will continue with data management, data stewardship fundamentals and troubleshooting ... Integrated Ag Services. CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on ...

  8. Germinate International Film Festival

    natural resources, and rural communities. Historically, researchers have found that rural communities and ... from the perspective of agricultural producers, researchers, and rural community members. Rural ... County Extension Office. CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on ...

  9. Agronomic Field Day

    Hold the date for the Agronomic Field Day at the Norwest Ag Research Station in Custar, Ohio. ...

  10. Pumpkin Field Night

    The Pumpkin Field Night will be August 23 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Western Agricultural Research ... leave for the research and demonstration plots promptly at 6:00. The field night offers beginning and ... experienced growers valuable research updates regarding disease management, insect management, weed control, ...
