
Search results

  1. DeNise Inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame

    Dr. DeNise manages global research and development of genetic tests for livestock with the leading ... to joining Zoetis, she directed the research and lab operations of MMI Genomics, previously a part of ...

  2. 2014 Distinguished Research Award: Sandra Velleman

    2014 Distinguished Senior Faculty Research Award Winner: Sandra Velleman ...

  3. Summer Experience in Equine Management

    weekend. Weekly meetings update the students about farm activities; equine, dairy, crops and research ... research program includes aspects in the equine area such as stallion semen preservation and horse ... behavior. If equine research is underway, students are invited to become involved if they are interested. ...

  4. Recent Funding

    broilers” SEEDS: The OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program grant recipients: Dr. Lisa ... Diets on Fecal Shedding of Coliform Bacteria in Lactating Dairy Cows” Ohio Dairy Research Fund grant. ...

  5. Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association

    farmers, backyard gardeners, consumers, retailers, educators, researchers, and others who share a desire to ...

  6. The Undergraduate Fellowship Office is seeking nominees for the Udall Scholarship!

    commitment through related activities, research, academics, and job/internship experience. Students ...

  7. M.S. Graduate Research

    Two M.S. Graduate Research Assistantships are anticipated to be available Fall semester of 2015 in ... candidates will conduct research on management of grasses and legumes, stockpiling cool and warm-season ... candidates will be responsible to conduct field research in Crossville and Spring Hill, TN. Please view the ...

  8. Seminar: Dr. Lisbeth Ulrich Hansen

    Seminar speaker: Dr. Lisbeth Ulrich Hansen, Danish Pig Research Centre (SEGES) Seminar Title: ...

  9. CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    Congratulations to the following students that placed in the research forum: Animal Health ...

  10. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    some impressive research on energy utilization and gaseous emissions from animals. We visited Utrecht ... and the one at Utrecht University. The research facility at Dairy Campus aligned with Wageningen was ... May 2016 with 550 cows, a 40-stall rotary parlor, and the capacity for conducting research in ...
