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  1. What you should know about OARDC SEEDS, the OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program

    SEEDS: The OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program, is unique among U.S. state-assisted ... universities. In fostering high-quality research among scientists supported by OARDC and CFAES, SEEDS enables ... programs, and it provides them with leverage to attract industry support. With eight outlying research ...

  2. Grain Quality

    2012-2013 and 2013-2014 growing seasons at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in ... Wayne Co. and the Northwest Agricultural Research Station (NWARS) in Wood Co. Two row widths were ... alfalfa. Bull. E-2567. Ohio State Univ. Ext. Serv., Columbus.   Acknowledgements: Research was funded by ...

  3. OARDC announces 2013 award winners at conference

      "How Food Impacts Human Health" was the theme of OARDC's 2013 Annual Research ... Functional Foods Research and Entrepreneurship (CAFFRE); and physician-scientist Dr. Steve Clinton, associate ... Distinguished Senior Faculty Research Award Guo-Liang Wang, an international expert on the molecular genetics of ...

  4. Ohio State, Smucker's come together over coffee

     have partnered to conduct innovative research on one of the world's favorite beverages: coffee. ... Knowledge Transfer Office  (TCO) recently teamed up to create a sponsored research project with the ... a research need that involves expertise housed in the university's  Center for Applied Plant Sciences ...

  5. 2016 OCVN State Conference Agenda

    Professor, Ashland University will first highlight the latest findings from her wetland research.  Then, ... that will incorporate the research and quickly engage your audience in a wetland discovery! Location: ... breeding bird research into education and interpretative programs- Matthew Shumar, Research Associate, OSU; ...

  6. Best Boss Ever

    self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”- Theodore Roosevelt Research indicates ...

  7. Record-high number of students in summer research program

    Student researchers in CFAES are growing! The Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP), ... the Wooster campus, which is home to 12 undergraduate researchers, while the Columbus campus is ... graduate-admissible students from across the country.           The Summer Research Opportunity Program in CFAES has ...

  8. Improvements set for Waterman, Don Scott, Wooster

    undergraduate research lab, a greenhouse for CFAES to partner with Ohio State Dining Services, a Franklin County ... consolidates livestock and resources at Don Scott Field in northwest Columbus. A new swine research center that ... food security by leading research in aquaculture, hydroponics and urbanized farming, the architects are ...

  9. What's Limiting Soybean Yield? Take Soybean Production Survey and Receive $40

    This project is funded by the Ohio Soybean Council and the North Central Soybean Research Program ...

  10. 2015 Outstanding Senior Awards Recipients

    favorite memory was the time spent working in the lab for undergraduate research. It was great to spend my ...
