
Search results

  1. CD Wire- February 18, 2014

    e-Learning modules Create e-Learning modules (10% increase annually) Align applied research with Discovery ... Initiative and the offices of Outreach and Engagement and Research are offering small grants to cover ... engagement in teaching and research activities. Applications are due Friday, February 21. For complete ...

  2. CD Weekly Wire- September 4, 2012

    evaluation or applied research findings, or discussing an effective new tool, for example. Use the handy ... graphic displays of research or program development and/or program evaluation on a table (six feet in ... development activities, research, etc. Significant financial need is a key consideration. Applications are due ...

  3. Cost of Nutrients in Feedstuffs

    2003 We used the nutrient composition table from the National Research Council (2001) for 24 feedstuffs ...

  4. 11/1/16- 4-H In-Service Poster Presentation Application

    Impact Area Please provide an abstract describing your poster and any applicable research (250 Words): ...

  5. CD Weekly Wire- September 10, 2012

    topics in greater depth. Meredith Davis, CFCC’s Research and Evaluation Manager, will describe the ... here or visit Celebration of Research Month begins October 2: ... October is Celebration of Research month, an annual recognition and celebration of the depth and breadth ...

  6. Estimating Manure Phosphorus Excretion by Dairy Cows

    (average was 0.38% of dietary DM). To meet the NRC (National Research Council, Nutrient Requirement of ...

  7. CD Wire- August 13, 2013

    170 Davis Heart and Lung Research. If the dramatic decline in worldwide bee populations continues, ... permission or credit the source when using these photos. Administrative Research Council August Newsletter ... Research Development and Grant Writing Newsletter, and other announcements relevant to the research ...

  8. Busted: rbST Milk Myth Machine is Revealed

    worry? For 12 years, the International Food Information Council (IFIC) has commissioned Cogent Research ...

  9. Market View

    to the dairy website by selecting "Programs and Research / Ohio Dairy Web".  The new AEDE ...

  10. Free Stall Bedding Options: Important considerations from the cow's perspective

    systems. Research has indicated that lameness prevalence in herds housed on sand stalls is lower than herds ... of manure carried into the stalls on the cows' feet and legs. *A complete list of research ...
