
Search results

  1. Renewable Energy Workshop

    such as farmers, homeowners, small-business owners, financial and insurance companies, researchers and ...

  2. Want to Add Solar Power on Your Farm? Go to This Workshop

    Agricultural Research and Development Center  in Wooster, who plan to shed light on those topics. The Solar ... and OSU Extension are the research and outreach arms, respectively, of the  College of Food, ...

  3. Cutting Propagation Workshop

    Agricultural Research and Development Center. OARDC’s main entrance is at 1680 Madison Ave. OARDC and the ...

  4. Pumpkin Field Day

    Research Station in South Charleston on August 26 th  from 5-7 PM.  Attendees will be taken out to the ... research and demonstration plots via wagon for a “hands on” experience. Topics-Honey bee pesticide ... Directions to the Western Ag Research Station: 7721 S. Charleston Pike, South Charleston, OH 45368 can be ...

  5. OSU Conflict of Interest

    From Exectutive Vice President and Provost Bruce McPheron, Senior Vice President for Research ...

  6. Profile- Miller

    a successful USDA NIFA Specialty Crops Research Initiative proposal, which required 100% match. The GDSU ... proposal submission. This gave us, the researchers, time to focus on the technical part of the proposal. ...

  7. Autumn Discovery Day

    at the  Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave. in Wooster, about 60 ...

  8. Fisher Auditorium

    classroom, and OARDC research library. The Auditorium has 976 seats (+12 wheelchair accessible spaces), each ...

  9. Visit Wooster

    and OARDC, with its world-renowned research programs. The Wooster campus was established in 1892 as ...

  10. Release Time Versus Vacation

    established. The main purpose for all employees should be to support the research of OARDC during the workday. ...
