
Search results

  1. National Sciences Field Day

    educator, Sherry Williams Pike County SNAP-Ed program assistant, Karima Samadi, HEAL MAPPS research and ...

  2. Healthy Relationships

    research rooted information and programming. Though topics vary from county to county around the state, ...

  3. Identification and Validation of Sensory-Active Compounds from Data-Driven Research: A Flavoromics Approach

    of Sensory-Active Compounds from Data-Driven Research: A Flavoromics Approach ...

  4. Mission

    Mission The mission of the Flavor Research and Education Center is to bring together academia and ... cutting edge methodologies.  We encourage our researchers to explore possibilities; in challenge we find ... innovation. Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration  - We are a community of researchers, students and industry ...

  5. Breakout 2

    organization as a result of the breadth and depth of research-based information. Those partners include: Girl ... The conversation and answers to these questions will include social science research, social justice ...

  6. Devin Peterson named Distinguished Professor

    bestowed on a competitive basis to four full professors who have excelled in teaching, research, or ...

  7. Breakout Sessions

    29, 2020, Breakout Session 4 Leading Down the Garden Path: Translating Leadership Research into School ...

  8. Old Publications Page

    Compounds from Data-Driven Research: A Flavoromics Approach.  J. Agric. Food Chem. Zhang, L. and Peterson, ... Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, Andrew Taylor and Donald Mottram (Eds), pg 31-37. Ronningen, I. and ... distribution.  Food Research International 34(4): 357-363. Peterson, D.G. and Fulcher, R.G. 2001.  A simple ...

  9. Breakout 4

    Leadership Research into School Garden Success – Sandra Stranne Miller, Carol Smathers and Haley Plahuta ... Inventory traits. Engage in group discussion to contrast the research study findings with their individual ...

  10. Membership

    FREC MEMBERSHIP The Flavor Research and Education Center (FREC) is an academic-industry ...
