
Search results

  1. Dr. Jamie Strange Re-Appointed as Chair of Ohio State Entomology

    served at the USDA-ARS Pollinating Insect Research Unit in Logan, Utah, and as an adjunct faculty member ... in Utah State University’s Biology Department. He also served as a postdoctoral research associate in ... Cornell University’s Department of Entomology, research assistant in Washington State University’s ...

  2. Specht honored with national educator award

    nationally. From teaching to research to service, she is the epitome of what we need in our colleagues.”  In ... educators and leaders in the food, agricultural, and environmental sciences to integrate research ... families and communities. For more information on the academic programs and research available in ACEL, ...

  3. Seven ACEL students participate in global education programs

    agricultural, and environmental sciences to integrate research-based learning, practice and engagement, in ways ... information on the undergraduate and graduate academic programs and research available in ACEL, please visit ...

  4. Sudarshan Adhikari

    passionate in research about the agricultural communication. Working in this sector, I want to contribute to ...

  5. Ohio Regional Tick Symposium: Tackling Tick Range Expansion

    >> This one-day symposium will bring researchers, public health officials, health practitioners, and ... pest management specialists together to facilitate conversations and share ongoing research on ticks ...

  6. Erika Wright

    ecology and pest management in the two summers she spent at the Bartlett Tree Research Laboratory in ... Charlotte, NC as a research intern, working closely with the lab entomologists. During her master’s, she ... immense damage they can cause. Erika’s current research focuses on the potential for biodiversity ...

  7. Thomas Paul

    Tom’s first research experience in entomology was during his time as an undergraduate student, working ... research, Tom plays his fair share of videogames, hikes, and enjoys playing his cello and ukulele.- Any- ...

  8. Margaret Lewis

    Margaret Lewis Research Scientist, Michel Lab Rothenbuhler Honey Bee ... Her dissertation research broadly focused on applying knowledge of the ecology and behavior of ... yeast and hyphal fungal microbes. In addition to her research, Lewis mentored multiple undergraduate ...

  9. Cheyenne Wagner 740-213-2446 Biomedical Research Tower (BRT) 460 W 12th Ave, Columbus, OH 4321 Associate of Arts: ... plans to research ways to make agriculture more accessible in urban areas as she starts her journey ...

  10. Afsoon Sabet

    at conducting research was at West Virginia University, where she worked with Dr. Rita Rio and the ...
