
Search results

  1. Sara L. Mastellar, Ph.D.

    research program focuses on supporting undergraduate research and the scholarship of teaching and learning. ... Undergraduate researchers have been mentored through presentations at Equine Science Society (ESS) meetings and ... Feeding, Horse Judging & Evaluation, and Undergraduate Research. * ResearchGate * Google Scholar ...

  2. CFAES breaks ground on Multispecies Animal Learning Center

    benefit the industry by being a hub for research and workforce development. It’s going to benefit our ... research needs, with a projected completion date of winter 2025. CFAES is actively fundraising while moving ... center will bolster Ohio State’s ability to offer interdisciplinary teaching and research opportunities. ...

  3. Chris Zoller

    management, dairy and livestock production, and agronomic and forage crop production. Chris conducts research ... facilities. He has researched and conducted analysis of farm production, evaluated variable seeding rates of ...

  4. Past Departmental Award Winners

    Strange David J. Horn Service Award:  Valerie Anderson, Advisor: Canas Lowell R. Nault Research Award:  ... Lydia Fyie, Advisors: Meuti & Gardener Lowell R. Nault Research Award:  Dominque Magistrado, ... Advisor: Piermarini Lowell R. Nault Research Award:  Matthew Wolkoff, Advisor: Meuti James E. Tew Extension ...

  5. 3D visualization of entropic elasticity on the molecular level

    Our research group have developed a software in MATLAB that calculates possible conformations of ...

  6. Garth Ruff

    research and teaching efforts include direct marketing of animal products, forage and field crop trials, ... matter focus and provide overall leadership for a comprehensive teaching and applied research program to ... relationships, and foster collaborations across the state, including with campus researchers, to complement what ...

  7. Entomology Seminar Series, Spring 2024

    Seminar Committee, the series features renowned entomologists sharing their research and insights to ...

  8. Scott Wolfe

    Scott Wolfe Researcher 2, Building and Lab Safety Coordinator 330-328-0601 200 ... to help find solutions for research needs, including designing a bug vacuum for collecting insects in ...

  9. Mizuki Yoshida

    University, Japan M.S., Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University, Japan My research goal is to reveal ...

  10. Ellen Klinger, MS, PhD

    graduate entomology programs; I also engage in research surrounding diseases of insects, especially ...
