
Search results

  1. David Brown receives CFAES Distinguished Alumni Award

    Technology. David’s career included work in quality assurance at Gerber Products as well as work in research ...

  2. Dr. Christopher Simons

    [Dental School] at the Universite Paris 7. From 2004 through 2012 Chris led the Sensory Research function ... the Ohio State University in 2013. Dr. Simons’s research interests use a multidisciplinary approach to ... behavior. One outcome of this research is to identify the neural and physiological correlates associated with ...

  3. June 2022 Department Highlights

    several students from the department participated in the research poster competition. Congratulations to ... Brianda Gonzalez Orozco who received first place. Other students presenting their research included Simone ... research out of the lab of Dr. Osvaldo Campanella. Food & Drink Business also reported on the research ...

  4. FST Special Edition Newsletter – 2022 Summer Graduation

    present my research on cannabinoids. It was my first time out of the country, and I would like to thank my ... I will forever look back fondly on College Bowl, working on exciting research with my colleagues, ... from my research. Aishwarya received a PhD and was advised by Dr. Dennis Heldman. Ariel Garsow – My ...

  5. Endowed Chairs and Distinguished Professors

    a three-pronged approach to food safety: research to promote food safety; outreach in terms of getting the ... research news out to the food processing industry and informing consumers to improve food safety; and ... Ph.D. in Food Science from University of Wisconsin-Madison. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at ...

  6. Graduate Minor

    students who plan to seek employment in food research and other food industry positions are ideal ...

  7. Beau Ingle

    He previously worked in the CFAES’ Office of International Programs administering research and ... advance CFAES global teaching and learning, research, and outreach. BS- Zoology- The Ohio State University ...

  8. May 2022 Department Highlights

    will teach and conduct research. Dr. Barringer will continue to serve at the site director at the ... published an article highlighting COVID-19 research involving the loss of taste and smell during the rise of ... COVID’s delta infections.  The research is based on a small study published in Med conducted at Ohio State ...

  9. Giusti Named a 2021-2022 CFAES Distinguished Professor

    significant impact in fulfilling CFAES’ missions—teaching, research, outreach, and engagement. “We ... CFAES  Department of Food Science and Technology, has made significant research contributions to the ... fields of plant polyphenol chemistry and natural food colorants.  Giusti’s polyphenol research led to the ...

  10. 2022 Congressional Assistants Tour

    Affairs, that informs and updates our federal legislative offices on the cutting-edge teaching, research ... college leadership, faculty, and staff; tour university research labs and field sites; and visit local ... workforce and economy, and with professional connections with issue-area research and extension ...
