
Search results

  1. Hayden Hall

    Service Testing and Research Laboratory. ...

  2. Extension Today: Holiday Leftovers

    a healthy and sustainable food system. Our researchers, practitioners, and students are working together to ...

  3. Extension Today: Healthy Holiday Sides

    consumers, food handlers, and populations at risk. Sanja’s research investigates novel interventions to ...

  4. History

    directing research on the station land. The budget was a meager $3000 per year. The work went slowly and was ... Cooperative Experimentation at the research station. The following year the university hired Mr. A.B. Graham ... efforts between research, teaching and extension duties, with split appointments in each area. In 1948, ...

  5. Soybean Yield Gap Research

    Soybean Research Program (NCSRP). The project goal was to identify the key factors that preclude the ...

  6. Fisher Auditorium

    Communications and Technology production unit, video classroom, and OARDC research library. The Auditorium has ...

  7. Principal Investigator Considerations County Extension educators and specialists who have faculty status may serve as PIs. Non-faculty ...

  8. Courtesy Appointments in Department of Extension

    professional practice, or research faculty member from another Ohio State department. A proposal that describes ...

  9. Interdisciplinary Programs

    collaboration and scientific research to develop a local food economy in Ohio that is environmentally friendly, ... for regional collaboration around food system change, fund and coordinate Agroecosystem research and ... Management Program (OCAMM) was designed to research, develop and communicate sustainable strategies for the ...

  10. Research Resources

    OARDC's Research Profile Ohio State is one of only a few universities in the U.S. that, in ... agriculture. Research activities are emerging from departmental and college silos and occurring within ... challenges will surely be found. The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) is the ...
