
Search results

  1. Update on 2016 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    (Co-Chair, Student Program); Rachel Nelson, The Ohio State University (3rd place, Original Research ... ); Danielle Andreen, Michigan State University (2nd place, Original Research); Jordan Guy, Michigan State ... University (1st place, Original Research); Joshua Bukoski, Michigan State University (1st place, Literature ...

  2. Research Classes

    Our college offers many classes that will prepare you for research projects. There are also many ... conduct your research project in collaboration with your faculty research advisor. Research Classes   ...

  3. 2017 Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference

    extensive research and experience in Michigan and her prior work in West Virginia. She and Dr. Jeff ... by Angie Parker (Ohio State University Graduate Research Assistant) and Dr. Mark Sulc and Dr. Dave ...

  4. Harper awarded honorary doctorate by Purdue

    developed all the non-dairy technology courses, taught, and conducted a research program. He retired from ... Ohio State in 1981 to join the New Zealand Dairy Research Institute. There he led a group of ... researchers who developed a whey protein concentrate program. Technology from that program still brings in ...

  5. Dairy Educational Forum and Open House

    Washington State University, was the keynote speaker. She is well recognized for her research on the ... the focus of Dr. Francis Fluharty’s, OSU Research Professor, presentation on “Development of a Jersey ... Field Specialist, 4) Jersey Calf Research at Ohio State, Dr. Kristy Daniels, OSU Assistant Professor, ...

  6. Using Manure with Growing Crops

    research plots in recent years in an attempt to make maximum use of the available nitrogen. In addition to ... growing crops during the season of application. The OSU Extension research plots attempted to determine if ... wheat. Three replicated research plots were undertaken in 2005 and 2006, comparing swine manure to 28% ...

  7. J.M. Smucker Co. Commits $1M to Ohio State for Food Innovation Research, Scholarships

    committed $1 million to support ongoing research and student success at Ohio State University's College of ... contribute to Ohio's food industry, as well as support research that will lead to discoveries for ... fund undergraduate research in food innovation and student support, including a scholarship to honor Bobby ...

  8. Unconscious eating? CFAES scientist explores mysteries of appetite

    to what's around us, according to a sensory researcher with CFAES. "Our environment can ... first graduate student as a research assistant in August.     "With better ways to measure consumer ... has an appointment with the college's research arm, OARDC. One of Simons' new testing ...

  9. Dairy Educational Forum and Open House

    research on Jersey cattle and provide an opportunity for the public to view the high quality dairy cattle ... research, and AJCA services) will be offered.  A youth program also is being offered in the afternoon by ...

  10. How to Write an Abstract

    How to Write a Research Abstract "Scientific Abstract" (Key points from presentation by ... Michelle Hendrick, CFAES and Gamma Sigma Delta Undergraduate Research Workshop 2014) ...
