
Search results

  1. CFAES Thanks its Donors

    helps fund scholarships, research and outreach. You're invited to view this short video that shows ...

  2. Lisa and Dan Wampler

    Research for CFAES. Wampler, recently elected to the Ohio State Foundation Board, co-chairs the CFAES ... research focuses on cancer prevention with the bioavailability of lycopene from a unique variety of ... tomatoes, developed and grown at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster, Ohio. ...

  3. Celebrating the Career of OARDC Director Steve Slack

    Wooster campus hosted a celebration Dec. 14 for Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center ...

  4. Homecoming Programming Day Tours

    Department Farms Manager Glenn Mills and John Lemmermen, CFAES Dairy Teaching and Research Facility Manager. ... Chair Henry Zerby discussed Animal Sciences updates, research, dairy production and facilities. Last ... Service Manager, shared updates to the park, student involvement, water research and current activities ...

  5. Dr. McPheron's Role as University Provost Made Permanent

    Arkansas in January. “Bruce is a nationally recognized researcher, teacher and leader whose commitment to ... influence and impact in multidisciplinary research, cutting-edge teaching and learning initiatives, and ... researcher, teacher and leader whose commitment to academic excellence and community engagement runs deep. He ...

  6. Environmental Professional Network Breakfast- Ag & Water Quality Issues

    safety. The event, which is called “Agriculture and Water Quality Issues: OSU Research and Agency ... Environmental Sciences (CFAES) in May. Libby Dayton, research scientist in CFAES’s School of Environment and ...

  7. Event to Look at Farming, Water Quality, Ohio's Efforts for Both

    safety. The event, which is called “Agriculture and Water Quality Issues: OSU Research and Agency ... Environmental Sciences (CFAES) in May. Libby Dayton, research scientist in CFAES’s School of Environment and ...

  8. Alum Wins Advocacy Award

    efficiencies and profitability. “Sam Custer’s local role is to bring unbiased research information from The ... on-farm research and share that information back with the university. This is a continuation of 100 years ...

  9. CFAES Alumni Making News

    management Dr. Gary Pierzynski, PhD in Agronomy, 1989- CFAES Announces New Associate Dean for Research and ...

  10. Dr. David Benfield

    sheltered from the rest of the world.” In addition to the research and teaching, the arboretum serves many ... University, where his research isolated the virus that causes porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome ... moment, Benfield said. “It changed the course of the research path for almost a decade.” ...
