
Search results

  1. Winter Feeding Guidelines for Sheep and Goats

    CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For ...

  2. Manage Yield Factors with Late Planted Corn

    season hybrids first to allow them to exploit the growing season more fully. Research in Ohio and other ...

  3. USAID’s Global Food Security Program names two CFAES graduate students Borlaug Fellows

    awarded a graduate research grant on December 23, 2013 to fund research the students have been involved in ... through ongoing projects with other International Agricultural Research Centers (IARC) or National ... Agricultural Research Systems (NARS). The Global Food Security Program is an initiative that seeks to foster ...

  4. Calf Behavior and Bedding Materials

    Young dairy calves spend a lot of their day lying down.  Research from the University of Guelph ...

  5. Team Collaborators

    Farm & Farmers' Markets Marketing Plans Marketing Research MarketMaker Market Ready ... Management/Crisis Communications Farm & Farmers Markets Marketing Plans Marketing Research MarketReady ... CSAs Marketing Plans MarketMaker MarketReady Meet the Buyers Merchandising Marketing Research Start-up ...

  6. De-Stress for the Holidays

    Sciences Program Assistant and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and related ...

  7. Wheat Nitrogen Fertilization

    as field conditions permit.  Research has shown no yield reduction as long as nitrogen is applied ... Nitrogen rate studies at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station have shown the optimum rate varies ...

  8. Entomology Graduate Student Selected as a Fellow for AIARD’s Future Leaders Forum

    researching the role of soil communities in changing tomato growth, chemistry and resistance to insect and ... Washington, D.C. from June 5-7, 2016, where he will interact with other researchers, students, professionals, ... Food Science and Technology. In addition to serving as a visiting researcher at Ohio State before ...

  9. Dairy Teat Health and Management During the Winter

    researchers have shown that wind chill has an impact that is more important than actual ambient temperature. ...

  10. Fall Management Practices for Wheat

    research from the past four years has not shown a yield response to supplemental sulfur on medium to ...
