
Search results

  1. Maintaining or Improving Milk Components

    there is research to suggest that feed push up in the first couple of hours post-feeding produces the ...

  2. Local Food Week

    foods.  We know that the benefits of local are many, but research indicates that foods purchased locally ...

  3. Worker Protection Standard Compliance Manual

    employed and the nature of the work.  University research farms and greenhouses also fall under WPS, as ...

  4. Addressing equity and inclusion in your research mentoring

    This workshop is designed for mentors of undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty. During this workshop, participating faculty will learn how to acknowledge the impact of conscious and unconscious assumptions, privilege, stereotyp ...

  5. Monthly Newsletter (January 2015)

    Research News is a monthly electronic newsletter for faculty and other members of the FAES ... research community that summarizes upcoming funding opportunities and provides updates, strategies, and ...

  6. Winter Weather and Livestock Nutrition

    requirements could increase 7 to 30% over dry conditions.  In addition, there is research that suggests that ...

  7. Protecting and Promoting Your Research: From Copyright to Commercialization

    Protecting and Promoting Your Research: From Copyright to Commercialization Concerned about ... retaining ownership of your research output or getting assistance with publisher’s agreements?  Interested ... consider for protecting and promoting original research. Register:  ...

  8. Keep Important Papers Organized & Safe

    I was at a state meeting yesterday where some interesting research was shared.  In essence Duke ...

  9. What Will You Do With Your Tax Return?

    check out   for a free filing option.  According to Princeton Survey Research Associates ...

  10. Use of Hessian Fly-Free Date for Winter Wheat Planting

    Research showed that due to unfavorable weather conditions, the aphid population tends to crash after the ...
