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  1. About Us

    a complementary set of research and development projects funded by the Ohio Department of Higher Education. ...

  2. More Than 10,000 Ohio Farmers Have Received Water Quality Training

    fertilizer to more than 50 acres to become certified by Sept. 30, 2017. FACT was developed by researchers and ... research-based tactics to keep nutrients in the field and available to crops while increasing stewardship of ...

  3. Identifying Bacterial Isolates for Bioremediation of Microcystin-contaminated Waters

    Mou, Kent State University Description Kent State University researchers are studying whether bacteria ...

  4. Controlling Pasture Flies on Cattle

    settings.  From an economic standpoint, horn flies cause the most damage.  Research indicates that a good ...

  5. Former Ambassador and Hunger Fighter, Tony Hall, Visits Ohio State to Highlight Food Security

    4-H Center for Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) annual conference on March ... advancing cutting-edge research in the area of agriculture and environmental sciences. Throughout the visit ...

  6. Global Collaboration Conference on Antibiotic Resistance Mitigation and Food Safety

    wellbeing of the human society.  The conference will promptly share innovative research, strategies and ...

  7. Development Of BioFET Sensors For Real Time Monitoring Of Cyanotoxins

    equipment—often meaning a delay of several days before results.   A research team led by Wu Lu, an electrical ...

  8. Maumee Basin Lake Erie HABs Stakeholder Informed Decision-Making Support System

    research in the region to ensure that the tool contains up-to-date information. The End Result A common ...

  9. Fall Herbicide Application for the 2017 Soybean Crop

    target emerging and young marestail plants for herbicide application.  In fact, research indicates that ...

  10. Corn Silage Production and Management

    research trials have demonstrated that the oxygen barrier 2-step products have reduced losses more than ...
