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  1. Finding Funding Workshop (SPIN) with Jeff Agnoli 1-2 pm

    Learn strategies for finding funding that is specifically tailored to your research interests. We ...

  2. Finding Funding Workshop (SPIN) with Jeff Agnoli 10-11 am

    Learn strategies for finding funding that is specifically tailored to your research interests. We ...

  3. Grazing Corn Residue

    issues.  Fara Brummer, area livestock systems specialist at the Central Grasslands Research Extension ...

  4. Navigating the CFAES Research Enterprise

    Join us to learn the different responsibilities of the Primary Investigator, Grant Development Support Unit, and the Office of Sponsored Programs when working on sponsored project proposals and throughout the life of a project. Presenters: Lori Kaser, Gra ...

  5. Managing Dairy Cow Heat Stress

    humidity. Research has shown that high producing dairy cows (>77 lbs. of milk/day) start to decrease milk ... 45% relative humidity or a temperature of 80 F with no humidity both produce a THI of 68.  Research ...

  6. 18th Annual President and Provost's Diverstiy Lecture and Cultural Arts Series with Kwame Anthony Appiah

    and society, Professor Appiah’s current research centers on the roles of idealization and ideals in ...

  7. Latin American Experimental Animation Introduced by Lina Aguirre & Cecilia Traslaviña (2008-13)

    Studies, and Latino and Latin American Space for Enrichment and Research (LASER). ...

  8. Getting Grants: Finding Funding and Planning for Data Management

    researchers in Art, Art Education, Art History, Cinema Studies, Design, and Material and Visual Culture, but ... is open to researchers in all disciplines interested in learning more about formatting and publishing ...

  9. Students

    African American Male- The Center focuses on conducting research on African American males contributing to ...

  10. Livestock Need Good Quality Drinking Water

    and teats, but research in Pennsylvania on over 200 dairy herds was not able to show a correlation ...
