
Search results

  1. How to Stop Algal Blooms, Keep Drinking Water Safe

    equipment. The panelists will be: Libby Dayton, research scientist with SENR. Dayton is doing research to ... Development Economics, whose research includes the fields of environmental economics and nonmarket valuation ...

  2. Faculty, staff honored at annual event

    dairy  Research and Scholarly Activity Award — Karen Wimbush, equine Friend of University Housing Awards ...

  3. CFAES Diversity Catalyst Team honored

    as head of OARDC's Food Animal Health Research Program; and Ryan Schmiesing, director of ...

  4. Plasticulture Strawberry Field Day

    for horticulture. Brad conducts research and Extension programs in vegetable crops and plasticulture ...

  5. Survey of Flavor Science- Short Course

    Survey of Flavor Science The Flavor Research and Education Center is proud to be partnering with ...

  6. Communiqué September 12, 2012

    list of classes visit: Celebrate Research in ... October Two events will be held at the university regarding research. An expo of more than 50 exhibitors ... all. The exhibitors will include (research centers, institutes, core laboratories, and campus vendors) ...

  7. Farm Management Inservice

    Education/Research/Programming The planning team has embraced the challenge to incorporate more case studies, role playing, and ...

  8. Three Honored for Long-Time Dedication and Commitment: Beuerlein, Gahn and Moser to be Inducted into Farm Science Review Hall of Fame

    Beuerlein   Jim Beuerlein, Mt. Gilead, Ohio Beuerlein was a professor, researcher, and state Extension ... Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, Ohio State University Extension, and the Ohio Agricultural Research ... latest in agricultural research, conservation, family and nutrition, and gardening and landscape. Tickets ...

  9. Hendrick heading to Michigan State

    more than 300 physical structures, two campuses, and nearly a dozen outlying research and outreach ...

  10. OSUE Annual Conference- December 9-11

    Extension work and university research. Build relationships between Extension professionals and university ... colleagues to foster expanded applied research opportunities. Foster dialogue and innovative thinking among ... and Extension scholarship Poster exhibits featuring innovative programming and cutting‒edge research ...
