
Search results

  1. On-Farm Research

    Summary of 2016 On-Farm Research focused on Nutrient Stewardship for Cleaner Water ...

  2. Tips and Events for the Week of Oct. 29

    focuses her research on two areas: the evolution of the human diet; and, yes, bugs you can nosh on. She’s ... Balancing Call-in Conversation,  a panel of researchers, farmers and consultants will discuss the past, ...

  3. 2016 Grape Kick-Off Meeting, MI

    Damage: Research & Observations"                   Dr. Bruce Bordelon "Double Pruning for ... Frost Protection" Location:  Southwest Michigan Research & Extension Center Flier:   ...

  4. A Life in the CIty: The Often Unseen Biodervisity that Surrounds Us and Why It Matters, with Mary Gardiner, OSU Entemology

    habitat for arthropods. Participants will learn of our research findings and view the rich fauna found ...

  5. CRC-CABLE Bioeconomy Workshop

    the general public are invited to interact with a panel of experts in research, education, ...

  6. Home

    The Grant Development Support Unit (GDSU) is a part of the CFAES Office for Research and Graduate ...

  7. Hops Pre-Harvest Field Night

    and weather dependent”. This event will also showcase the newest research and hops production ...

  8. Welcome to our New Website!

    Welcome to the Buckeye Appellation, the Ohio State University grape and wine research and ... developed by our team of OSU researchers, Extension specialists, Extension educators, staff and students.  ... For current research in viticulture and enology, please visit the "Research" page.  If you ...

  9. With Changing Climate, Farmers Should Prepare

    Cervenec. Cervenec and Wilson both work for Ohio State’s Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center. There ... Wilson is a senior research associate, and Cervenec is the education and outreach director. Their talk is ... with more than 130,000 participants over three days. Wilson’s climate predictions stem from research ...

  10. Wine Grape Disease, Insect and Weed Diagnostic Workshop

    Ohio vineyards. The workshops will be held at the Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station (Kingsville, ...
